This author feels SEO and digital marketing campaigns will help any size and type of online business, service, ecommerce, shopping cart, catalogue, information, product, service business, brick and mortar looking for online presence get first page Google rankings for your small business. We hear businesses ask all the time; “I want to be on first page of google but how is this possible if every business wants to be on the 1st page of Google and other search engines? This author can’t stress enough the importance to be online if your business wants a chance to grow in today’s industry climate. online digital marketing and internet marketing with organic SEO for their website business.  This author feels that affordable Organic SEO, a branch strategy within online digital marketing techniques to help any business grow is as essential as it is to have water to sustain your body.

Search Engine Optimization” is an affordable and reliable means for any business to market its’ information, services and products to a broad and or targeted audience reach for local, regional, national or global geo targeted audiences. Organic SEO is cheap, its attainable, its fast delivery and it targets specifically the audience of interest which in turn has the potential to increase sales conversions improving ones ROI.

You may ask, what is organic SEO or search engine optimization? Basically, you do not pay for each visitor that clicks on your website verses a PPC or Paid per Click or CPC Cost per Click program.

Affordable SEO allows for a fixed monthly fee for the SEO service. Therefore, a good reliable SEO campaign is broken down to forms of organic SEO techniques that are required to succeed.

  1. Onsite optimization commonly referred to On-Page SEO and,
  2. Offsite optimization commonly referred to Off-Page SEO.

Onsite Optimization is what you can do on your website to make it more liked by the search engines and therefore making it easier for them to index it and list it higher in the search results.

Onsite optimization involves making your website content relevant to a certain keyword or group of keywords. On-Page SEO is a strategy to make sure the website content on the front end of your website that is visible to online visitors will read relevant keywords of interest that they are searching for in Google search windows. On-Page SEO is also an SEO strategy on the back end of the website to create strong website page meta tags, descriptions, page titles, HI and H2 tags, categories, images, inserting the  Google, Bing, Yahoo and Yandex verification codes in order for search engines to begin to read and match up properly the specific content and keywords online traffic is searching for,  Remember, search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo want to deliver the most accurate and relevant results when someone types in a keyword or phrase in the search engine search window. Therefore, the more content you have on your website that is relevant to that particular keyword of phrase website visors type into the search bar the more your website is ‘liked’ by search engines and eventually your page rankings and page positions should continue to improve toward page 1.

  1. Offsite optimization is just as it sounds, “off-page” meaning not directly on the front end or back end of your website. The Offsite SEO techniques to help achieve page 1 rankings and page 1 position is to apply good, secure and acceptable search engine quality backlinks. Backlinking is simply links from other websites and website pages that refer or redirect back to your page. Backlinking may be considered as 3rd party website voting whereby the more ‘votes’ a website receives the greater potential for your website search engine rankings.

A few backlinking ideas to get you started with SEO success.

Articles, Press Release and Blogs: Writing, submitting, posting and optimizing articles is a great way to get backlinks. There are many article directories seen as an ‘authority’ for search engines. Therefore, lacing content through backlinks is a very powerful SEO tool to add to your SEO campaign.

YouTube, Tik Tok and Website Videos:  Watching and sharing videos online has become very popular in searches today. Create information, instructional and promotional videos for your business.

Social Media Marketing and Networking:  FaceBook, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTue just to name a few very popular SMM Social Media Marketing venues to consider. Creating business profiles, videos, images and informative allows you to connect and engage with your target market with an endless reach.

In conclusion, this author with believes the best and most affordable approach to digital marketing for your small business is to apply a organic SEO campaign for your online business. The SEO benefits should definitely out-way the SEO cost and your ROI should greatly be justified.

Looking for affordable SEO with top quality SEO techniques, strategies and implementation? Please visit us at or call us direct for a Free SEO consultation at 657-269-7117.

Our SEO has a proven track record, great reviews, longevity in the industry, very affordable, reliable and maintains the white hat SEO standards Google looks for to make sure your SEO campaign is not just updated to keep up with Google, Bing and Yahoo indexing but also maintains the highest quality SEO standards that search engines such as Google demands.

Visit today! or call us direct for a Free SEO consultation at 657-269-7117.