As an SEO specialist, digital marketing expert and website designer for over 20+ years I often see website designs that have been developed and pieced together without any consideration for the website design to be user friendly, mobile friendly and prepared and ready for Search Engine Optimization commonly referred to as Organic SEO.

Website Designers and Developers need to take control of any website project when working with customers in order to assure the customers website will actually perform the work the website was originally intended to do. Problem is, most website designers and developers will completely listen to the customer wishes even though the customer has no working knowledge regarding how a website needs to perform based upon easy use, easy design to view, easy to read, easy to shop, pleasing colors, theme styles and much more. Yes, it is true that it is very important to satisfy what the customer wish list is however, the customer, will appreciate you more if you explain the do’s and don’ts when it comes to website designs and development. It is much easier to design a website solely based upon the customers wish-list however, ethically and professionally, it is best to explain why and why not certain items the customer may want needs to be addressed differently.

After-all, the bottom line is the results and in this scenario we need to make sure the website design developed actually performs to convert online traffic into sales. This is why all websites need to be designed and built with SEO and digital marketing in mind from the start.

SEO is commonly referred to as Search Engine Optimization; a marketing strategy that ensures a business website can be easily found for popular search terms on search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and more.

Affordable SEO and a good website design is essential to have your website business rank on top pages of search engines such as Google Page 1.

Organic SEO is a marketing strategy that should be prepared for within your monthly budget each and every month as an ongoing business expense within your marketing budget.

In closing, ask yourself: was your website designed with SEO in mind?

We typically see results for our customers within 2-6 weeks. Our SEO methods for both On-Page and Off-Page SEO keeps up with Google’s updates to assure your website does not fall back in the Google Page rankings. If you are not found online, you can’t discover new online clients and sales.

If you want to be found online, be found on Google, Yahoo, Bing, AOL, YouTube and Much More…Please call one of our SEO Experts to discuss our “NO OBLIGATION”, “NO CONTRACTS”, “CANCEL ANYTIME” SIX (6) month SEO program campaign to help your business grow. or call us at 800-335.6528

Address: 1048 Irvine Avenue, #575, Newport Beach, CA 92660

 Phone: 800.335.6528 or 657.269-7117
